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So, Meghan’s latest Netflix venture—the one where she cooks, but not really—has been delayed. But wait, it’s not because the reviews are already piling up with dislikes. Oh no, it’s because of the wildfires. Greg Gutfeld recently mocked her delay, and I have to say, thank you, Greg, because the poor girl needs someone to set her straight. He put it best:



So, Meghan’s latest Netflix venture—the one where she cooks, but not really—has been delayed. But wait, it’s not because the reviews are already piling up with dislikes. Oh no, it’s because of the wildfires. Greg Gutfeld recently mocked her delay, and I have to say, thank you, Greg, because the poor girl needs someone to set her straight. He put it best:

“Meghan Markle is postponing the debut of her latest Netflix show due to their concern over wildfires, which has the public demand more wildfires.”

Ouch. That’s the kind of roast that just hits different. But let’s get real— is the wildfire concern really the issue? Of course not. If you look at her Netflix trailer, you’ll see what’s really going on: over 166,000 dislikes. Let that number sink in for a moment. That’s the kind of number that says, “No one cares, Meghan. Go back to the drawing board.”

But, of course, that’s not as glamorous as being a hero who’s pretending to care about wildfires. And what’s with her whole tragedy-whoring routine? Oh yes, Meghan, we see you. You’re going to throw in some footage of disaster-stricken people and somehow make it all about you. Classic Meghan move.

Watch out, everyone—there’s a new version of The Meghan Markle Show coming to Netflix, and this one features a lot of empty kitchens and faux-emotional scenes. Then, of course, she had to get involved in the wildfire relief efforts in L.A. You know, because nothing says “real concern” like stooping down to lift a plastic bin in front of cameras.

I mean, who else can say they personally saved a plastic bin from the trash? Candace Owens nailed it in her TikTok, and that’s how I knew my girl was real. I just want to thank Meghan for doing that. It’s very helpful for her to stoop down and do that. If there are any plastic bins you guys see around that need picking up, you can hit up your girl Meghan Markle.

Sure, Meghan is real enough to stop and perform a public service with the finesse of a 3-year-old—all for that perfect camera angle.

But honestly, the real drama came after the disaster tourism incident in Pasadena, where Meghan and Harry showed up—not to lend a hand, but to make sure the cameras were rolling. Enter Megyn Kelly, who doesn’t hold back when she’s fed up.

Megyn unleashed a no-holds-barred takedown on the pair, calling them out for showing up for the publicity. When you’ve got a $29 million mansion to retreat to, why bother helping when you can milk the media for all it’s worth? Megyn’s words were golden:

“When you’re actually a member of the royal family, maybe people want answers from you during a tragedy. But you’re in America now, and we don’t give a [bleep] about you. You’re not our Prince. You’ll never be king. We hate your wife. Stay at home.”

And that is The Meghan Markle Show in a nutshell. There’s more sincerity in a rerun of Keeping Up with the Kardashians than anything that comes out of Meghan’s mouth.

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