From a little boy I was to a man now, I want you all to drop a heart for me if you’re really one of my fans love you all 🤞😔
Internet Finds
Posted on Dec 24, 2022
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“They Compressed Seven Books Into One Movie”: 21 Book Adaptations That Seriously Disappointed Fans
I always forget there was an Eragon movie, and even when I see a photo from it, I’m not convinced.
Mary Colussi
by Mary Colussi
BuzzFeed Staff
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No matter how strong or accurate the adaptation of a book is, something always gets lost in the process. Sometimes, what gets lost is…everything that made you like the book in the first place. So there were quite a few passionate responses when redditor u/seederbeast asked r/books, “Which movie or TV adaptation is the biggest letdown for you?” Here are 21 adaptations that enraged, confused, or just plain disappointed people.